Session 6: SEO technical optimization

Creative café-session 6 was conducted  by the Resource person Mr.Karthi Easwaramoorthy at VET Institute of Arts and Science college as per the schedule. The session focused on various Google technologies. The program was started at 2.00pm. He mentioned that Face book Amazon,Apple,Netflix and Google are ruling the people now. He detailed the evolution of Google since 1996.

 The students exhibited a keen interest on the session and gained experience in the topic of content creation with the help of many content related terms – Fresh content, Original content, Unique content, Engaging content, Relevant content, Readability. He also highlighted keyword related terms keyword research, Keyword stuffing, Long and short keyword search volume. 

He also elaborated about search engine optimization and its related terms HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CMS(Content Management System),WWW( World Wide Web),URL( Uniform Resource Locator) and IP (Internet Protocol) address. This session was a good learning experience for the students. They had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Googlism. The program was wrapped up around 3.45 pm. 

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